SSRI(selective serotonin reuptake inhibiytors)
- 작용
- Inhibit serotonin reuptake(몸에 세로토닌 증가)
- 주의(나타날수 있는 부작용)
- Dry mouth → most common
- BP change
- Sleep pattern change
- Nervousness
- Tremors
- Monitor WBC count, liver and renal function.
- 부작용
- Toxicity
- abd pain, diarrhea, sweating, fever, tarchycardia, HTN, delirium, muscle spasm
- Serotonin syndrome
- hyperactivity, restlessness, tachycardia, fever, elevated BP, seizures, muscle rigidity, abd pain
- Toxicity
- 약물
- Citalopram(시탈로프람)
- Escitalopram(에스시탈로프람-렉사프로,뉴프람,에프람) - 우울증, 불안장애, 강박장애
- 우울증에서 1차 선택약물
- 당뇨, 고혈압, 갑상선/간/신장 질환, 뇌전증, 파킨슨 병을 동반한 우울증에서 사용가능
- 위장장애(매스꺼움, 소화불량, 변비, 설사), 성기능장애, 피로감, 식욕 및 수면 변화
- Fluoxetine (플루옥세틴) - 우울증, 강박장애
- 매스꺼움, 불면증, 피로감, 성기능 장애
- ~24세 에서 자살 충동을 증가시킴
- 간, 신장 문제 사용불가
- MAOI 와 상화작용 주의
- 발작유발
- Fluvoxamine
- Paroxetine(파록세틴 - 팍실CR, 파록스씨알) - 우울증, 불안장애
- 위장장애(매스꺼움, 소화불량), 성기능 장애, 입마름, 졸음
- Sertraline(설트랄린 - 졸로푸트) - 우울증, 강박장애, 불안장애
- 심혈관질환, 부정맥이 동반된 경우 1차 선택약물
- 위장장애(소화불량, 변비, 설사, 구토), 성기능장애, 역행성 불안(복용 초기 일시적으로 불안이 증가하는 현상)
- 불면, 초조 ↔ 졸음, 무기력함.
- Vilazodone
TAC(tricyclic antidepressants)
- 작용
- Block the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin, affact neurotransmitters
- 주의
- Reduce effectiveness of antihypertensive agents
- Cardiac toxicity → EKG check
- Life-threatening overdose
- May reduce threshold of seizure → 경련 빈번
- 부작용
- Anticholinergic effect
- Dry mouth, voiding difficulty(urinary retention), costipation, blurry vision, dilated pupil
- Tachycardia, dysrhythmias, seizure, anxiety, irritability
- TAC toxicity
- Tardive dyskinesia(운동이상)
- Akinesia(운동장애)
- Akathisia(좌불안석)
- Pseudoparkinsonism(가성파킨슨)
- Anticholinergic effect
- 약물
- Amitriptyline, Amoxapine, Clomipramine, Desipramine, Doxepin, Imipramine, Nortriptyline, Protriptyline, Trimipramine
MAOI(monoamine oxidase inhibitors)
- 작용
- Inhibitor the enzyme monoamine(serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamin) oxidase → Monoamine 증가
- 주의
- HTN crisis
- Change HR and rhythm
- Restlessness
- Wt gain
- Anticholinergic effect
- CNS stimulation → 절대 알콜 같이 복용 금지
- 부작용
- Hypertensive crisis
- Occipital headache
- Tachycardia or bradycardia
- Chest pain
- Sweating
- Dilated pupils
- 약물
- Isocarboxazid, Phenelzine(not approved for use in Canada), Selegiline, Tranylcypromine
Lithium (0.6~1.2 ;치료 농도)
- 작용
- Mood stabilizers - affect transport mechanism and enhance serotonin or GABA function, or both
- 부작용
- Polyuria, thirst, dry mouth
- Dysrhthmia
- Anorexia, nausea, abdominal bloating, soft stools or diarrhea
- Fine hand tremors, inability to concentrate, muscle weakness
- Headache, hypothyroidism and goiter(갑상선 비대)
- 중재
- Monitor the suicidal risk
- With food to minimize gastrointestinal irritation
- Avoid excessive amounts of coffee, tea, or cola(소변배출 증가), which have a diuretic effect.
- ECG, renal test, thyroid test, monitor weight
- 독성
- Lithium toxicitiy
- Occurs when ingested lithium can’t be detoxified and excreted by the kidneys → 신장에서 해독, 배설되지않을 경우
- level is at 1.5mEq/L(1.5mmol/L) → 혈중 리튬 농도가 1.5mmol/L 부터 증상이 나타남
- Nystagmus, Muscle fasciculations(근육에서 일어나는 미세한, 자발적인 떨림), Deep tendon hyper-reflexia, visual or tactile(촉각) hallucinations, Oliguria or anuria, Impaired LOC, Tonic-clonic seizures or coma, leading to death
- Lithium toxicitiy
Antipsychotic Medications
- 작용
- Affect dopamine receptors in the brain → reducing psychotic symptoms improve the thought process of psychotic symptoms(특히, Schizophrenia)
- 부작용
- Extrapyramidal syndrome = parkinsonism, dystonia, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, tremor
- Anticholinergic effect
- Drowsiness, photosensitivity
- Agranulocytosis(leukopenia) symptom → 면역력 약화 : sore throat, fever, malaise
- 중재
- Urine color change to pinkish-red brown
- V/S, liver, kidney function, glucose monitor
- Sunsreen, hat, clothse due to photosensitivity
- 독성
- Neurolepic Malignant syndrome
- Occur at any time during therapy
- Autonomic dysfunction, hyperpyrexia, HTN, tachycardia, tachypnea, diaphoresis, drooling, altered LOC, seizure, sever extrapyramidal side effects, muscle rigidity
- Neurolepic Malignant syndrome
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