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[NCLEX] Antepartum 1(Fetal circulatory system, Physiogical changes in pregnancy)


✔ Fetal circulatory system

  • From placenta to Umbilical vein(O2 rich blood)
  • ductus venosus (정맥관) → bypass the liver → right side of heart
  • The foramen ovale : allows to go from right to left atrium(우심방->좌심장)
  • Then to the left ventricle and out the aorta . As a result the blood with the most O2 gets to the brain.

[ key point : 폐가 아닌 태반!! ]

  • 아기 필수 순환구조 : foramen ovale / ductus arteriosus
  • Fetal HR : 110-160bpm/min (bpm: beat per mintue)

✔ Physiogical changes in pregnancy

  • Body image changes
    • 신체/정신적 변화 -> 가족 구성원이 지지!
    • First trimester (1-13wks) : Not obvious 큰 변화 없음.
    • Second trimester (14-26wks) : rapid changes
    • third trimester (27-40wks) : emotion (resentment/분함-임신으로 인해, anxiousness/불안감-다가오는 임신으로 인해)
  • signs of pregnancy
    • Presumptve signs(추정징후)
      • Amenorrhea (progesterone)
      • Fatigue
      • N/V
      • Urinary frequency
      • Breast changes (tenderness)
      • Quickening(보통 16-20wks)
      • Uterine enlargement(자궁증대)
    • Probable signs(가정 징후)
      • Abdominal enlargement
      • Hegar’s sign: 자궁부가 부드러워지는 현상
      • Chadwick’s sign : 자궁경부 점막이 보랏빛()으로 변하는 현상
      • Goodell’s sign : 자궁부 끝이 부드러워지는 현상
      • Positive pregnancy test : hcg(pos)
      • Braxton Hicks contractions: (불규칙, 무통성)의 가진통. 걸으면 완화
    • Positive signs(확정징후) - 보통 엔클에서 확정징후를 찾으라는 문제로 많이 나옴!!
      • Fetal heart sounds
      • Visualization of fetus by ultrasound
      • Fetal movement palpated by an experienced examiner
  • ✨Calculating EDD and determining number of pregnancies
    1. Nagele’s rule : -3M+7D+1Y
    2. Gravidity(임신 횟수) : number of pregnancies
    • Nulligravida : never been pregnant (G=0)
    • Primigravida : first pregnant
    • Multigravida : has had two or more pregnancies
    1. parity(출산 횟수) : number of births (reach 20 wks of pregnancy : 20주이상만 포함.) , not the number of fetuses.(태아 수는 포함X)
    2. GTPAL : Gravidity(임신 횟수) / Term birth(37wks 이상 - 만삭) / Preterm birth(37wks 미만- 조산) / Abortions(20wks 미만 - 유산) / Living children(생존자녀수)
  • Skin changes
    • Chloasma: pigmentation on the face
    • Linea nigra : dark line of pigmentation from the umbilicus to the pubic area
    • Striae gravidarum : stretch marks (mostly on the abdomen and thighs)
    • Increasing the areolas darkening 유륜의 색 진해짐.

  • V/S
    • In the supine position -> risk of maternal BP↓ and fetal hypoxia
    💡 why? pressure of the gravid uterus on the vena cava, venous blood flow to the heart. (하대 정맥 압박으로 혈류량 감소)
    • dizzy / lightheadedness / pallor / clammy skin
    • positioning on the left lateral side